Tuesday, November 13, 2007

My groups on cafe mom

I am the owner of a few great groups at cafemom.com, one of which is a stepmother's love the group of stepmother's in my group is very loving caring outgoing stepmother's, I have grown so much from getting to know these ladies and communicate with them everyday about the trials of being a stepmother! We give advice and support to one another and share stories about life as a stepmother!
Another group I owned was father's have rights too! But I passed ownership of this group awhile ago when I was not online to keep it updated. But again this is a group I am proud to have founded and these women are working very hard to help change the child custody laws!

The reason I am writing about this is cafe mom has decided to send me a gift for my hard work and compassion to all members of cafe mom. It is nice to be appreciated for something that I feel so strongly about!

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